CeNCOOS in situ Water monitoring data at the Santa Cruz municipal wharf
These nearshore sensors are part of the Central and Norther California Ocean Observing System (CeNCOOS). They measure various water quality parameters at fixed points along the... -
(CeNCOOS) Line 67 Glider - sp028-20170713T2055
Spray glider profile data from Scripps Institution of Oceanography Instrument Development Group. (This deployment supported by NOAA.) -
(CeNCOOS) Trinidad Glider - UW130-20150309T2005
Seaglider SG130 Trinidad Head IOOS line, California -
(CeNCOOS) Line 67 Glider - sp034-20200707T1802
Spray glider profile data from MBARI and Naval Postgraduate School. (Supported by Naval Postgraduate School Naval Research Program, CeNCOOS and MBARI.) -
CeNCOOS in situ water monitoring data at Romberg Tiburon Center Pier
The Tiburon shore station is maintained by San Francisco State University. The station has been operational since 2002 and consists of both in-water and meteorological sensors.... -
(CeNCOOS) Line 67 Glider - sp025-20210505T2104
The overarching goal of the California Underwater Glider Network is to sustain baseline observations of climate variability off the coast of California. The technical approach... -
(CeNCOOS) Line 57 Glider (Bodega) - sp011-20210608T1944
The overarching goal of the California Underwater Glider Network is to sustain baseline observations of climate variability off the coast of California. The technical approach... -
(CeNCOOS) Line 67 Glider - sp040-20180117T2223
Spray glider profile data from Scripps Institution of Oceanography Instrument Development Group. (This deployment supported by NOAA.) -
(CeNCOOS) Line 67 Glider - sp025-20171012T1654
Spray glider profile data from Scripps Institution of Oceanography Instrument Development Group. (This deployment supported by NOAA.) -
(CeNCOOS) Line 67 Glider - sp040-20180816T1936
Spray glider profile data from Scripps Institution of Oceanography Instrument Development Group. (This deployment supported by NOAA.) -
The overarching goal of the California Underwater Glider Network is to sustain baseline observations of climate variability off the coast of California. The technical approach... -
(CeNCOOS) Trinidad Glider - UW157-20190916T0000
Seaglider UW157 Trinidad Head IOOS line, California -
(CeNCOOS) Nemesis Glider - Nemesis-20171115T0000
Teledyne deployment to test glider -
(CeNCOOS) Line 67 Glider - sp025-20160913T1826
Spray glider profile data from Scripps Institution of Oceanography Instrument Development Group (supported by NOAA). -
(CeNCOOS) Line 67 Glider - sp025-20181203T1811
Spray glider profile data from Scripps Institution of Oceanography Instrument Development Group. (This deployment supported by NOAA.) -
CeNCOOS in situ water quality monitoring at Bodega Marine Laboratory seawater intake
The Bodega Head shore station is a seawater intake site operated by the Bodega Marine Laboratory. The seawater intake is located at Horseshoe Cove on the ocean side of Bodega... -
(CeNCOOS) Line 67 Glider - sp028-20151124T1741
Spray glider profile data from Scripps Institution of Oceanography Instrument Development Group (supported by NOAA). -
Seaglider UW646 Trinidad Heat IOOS Line, California. Profiling glider travelling along latitude 41 N from -124 to -130 approximately. The glider measures Temperature, Salinity,... -
(CeNCOOS) Line 67 Glider - sp025-20180430T1727
Spray glider profile data from Scripps Institution of Oceanography Instrument Development Group. (This deployment supported by NOAA.) -
(CeNCOOS) Trinidad Glider - UW130-20181107T0000
Seaglider UW130 Trinidad Head IOOS line, California