(CeNCOOS) Line 67 Glider - sp028-20170713T2055
Spray glider profile data from Scripps Institution of Oceanography Instrument Development Group. (This deployment supported by NOAA.) -
(CeNCOOS) Trinidad Glider - UW130-20150309T2005
Seaglider SG130 Trinidad Head IOOS line, California -
(CeNCOOS) Line 67 Glider - sp034-20200707T1802
Spray glider profile data from MBARI and Naval Postgraduate School. (Supported by Naval Postgraduate School Naval Research Program, CeNCOOS and MBARI.) -
(CeNCOOS) Line 67 Glider - sp025-20210505T2104
The overarching goal of the California Underwater Glider Network is to sustain baseline observations of climate variability off the coast of California. The technical approach... -
(CeNCOOS) Line 57 Glider (Bodega) - sp011-20210608T1944
The overarching goal of the California Underwater Glider Network is to sustain baseline observations of climate variability off the coast of California. The technical approach... -
(CeNCOOS) Line 67 Glider - sp040-20180117T2223
Spray glider profile data from Scripps Institution of Oceanography Instrument Development Group. (This deployment supported by NOAA.) -
(CeNCOOS) Line 67 Glider - sp025-20171012T1654
Spray glider profile data from Scripps Institution of Oceanography Instrument Development Group. (This deployment supported by NOAA.) -
(CeNCOOS) Line 67 Glider - sp040-20180816T1936
Spray glider profile data from Scripps Institution of Oceanography Instrument Development Group. (This deployment supported by NOAA.) -
The overarching goal of the California Underwater Glider Network is to sustain baseline observations of climate variability off the coast of California. The technical approach... -
(CeNCOOS) Trinidad Glider - UW157-20190916T0000
Seaglider UW157 Trinidad Head IOOS line, California -
(CeNCOOS) Nemesis Glider - Nemesis-20171115T0000
Teledyne deployment to test glider -
(CeNCOOS) Line 67 Glider - sp025-20160913T1826
Spray glider profile data from Scripps Institution of Oceanography Instrument Development Group (supported by NOAA). -
(CeNCOOS) Line 67 Glider - sp025-20181203T1811
Spray glider profile data from Scripps Institution of Oceanography Instrument Development Group. (This deployment supported by NOAA.) -
(CeNCOOS) Line 67 Glider - sp028-20151124T1741
Spray glider profile data from Scripps Institution of Oceanography Instrument Development Group (supported by NOAA). -
Seaglider UW646 Trinidad Heat IOOS Line, California. Profiling glider travelling along latitude 41 N from -124 to -130 approximately. The glider measures Temperature, Salinity,... -
(CeNCOOS) Line 67 Glider - sp025-20180430T1727
Spray glider profile data from Scripps Institution of Oceanography Instrument Development Group. (This deployment supported by NOAA.) -
(CeNCOOS) Trinidad Glider - UW130-20181107T0000
Seaglider UW130 Trinidad Head IOOS line, California -
(CeNCOOS) Line 57 Glider (Bodega) - sp011-20191212T1735
Spray glider profile data from Scripps Institution of Oceanography Instrument Development Group. (This deployment supported by NOAA.) -
(CeNCOOS) Line 67 Glider - sp025-20150813T1746
Spray glider profile data from Scripps Institution of Oceanography Instrument Development Group (supported by NOAA). -
(CeNCOOS) Line 67 Glider - sp034-20180514T1938
Spray glider profile data from MBARI and Naval Postgraduate School. (Supported by Naval Postgraduate School Naval Research Program, CeNCOOS and MBARI.)