Spray glider profile data from Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. (This deployment supported by NOAA.) -
Spray glider profile data from Scripps Institution of Oceanography Instrument Development Group. (This deployment supported by NOAA.) -
The Pioneer Array is located on the continental shelf and slope south of Martha's Vineyard. The shelf-slope area is home to a highly productive ecosystem, and coincident with a... -
Glider deployed as part of the CONsortium for oil spill exposure pathways in COastal River-Dominated Ecosystems (CONCORDE). The goal of the project is to use a combination of... -
Underwater glider observations from along and near the Newport, Oregon, Hydrographic Line (44-deg 39.1' N) collected as part of a series of long-term studies of coastal... -
Deployment to measure dissolved oxygen levels in the shallow coastal waters of New Jersey. -
Spray glider profile data from Scripps Institution of Oceanography Instrument Development Group. (This deployment supported by NOAA.) -
The Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences MAGIC Lab was inaugurated in 2014 through generous support from the Kerr Fund, Simons Foundation International and Vetlesen Foundation.... -
(CeNCOOS) Line 57 Glider - sp028-20240924T1629
The overarching goal of the California Underwater Glider Network is to sustain baseline observations of climate variability off the coast of California. The technical approach... -
(CeNCOOS) Trinidad Glider - UW685-20230125T0000
Seaglider UW646 Trinidad Heat IOOS Line, California. Profiling glider travelling along latitude 41 N from -124 to -130 approximately. The glider measures Temperature, Salinity,... -
(CeNCOOS) Trinidad Glider - UW646-20220907T0000
Seaglider UW646 Trinidad Heat IOOS Line, California. Profiling glider travelling along latitude 41 N from -124 to -130 approximately. The glider measures Temperature, Salinity,... -
This project supports the deployment and realtime data delivery of autonomous underwater gliders in the coastal ocean to better resolve and understand essential ocean features... -
The Endurance Array is a multi-scaled array utilizing fixed and mobile assets to observe cross-shelf and along-shelf variability in the coastal upwelling region off the Oregon... -
Underwater glider observations from along and near the Newport, Oregon, Hydrographic Line (44-deg 39.1' N) collected as part of a series of long-term studies of coastal... -
The Pioneer Array is located on the continental shelf and slope south of Martha's Vineyard. The shelf-slope area is home to a highly productive ecosystem, and coincident with a... -
Spray glider profile data from Scripps Institution of Oceanography Instrument Development Group. (This deployment supported by NOAA.) -
The Predictions of AcousticS with Smart Experimental Networks of GlidERS (PASSENGERS) project is a partnership between universities and the Naval Research Laboratory to improve... -
The Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences MAGIC Lab was inaugurated in 2014 through generous support from the Kerr Fund, Simons Foundation International and Vetlesen Foundation....