This glider mission is one of a series of MARACOOS surveys of shelf hydrography over the northern mid-Atlantic Bight. The glider will survey the shelf in a zig-zag pattern... -
The Predictions of AcousticS with Smart Experimental Networks of GlidERS (PASSENGERS) project is a partnership between universities and the Naval Research Laboratory to improve... -
The Predictions of AcousticS with Smart Experimental Networks of GlidERS (PASSENGERS) project is a partnership between universities and the Naval Research Laboratory to improve... -
This project supports the deployment and real-time data delivery of autonomous underwater gliders in the coastal ocean to better resolve and understand essential ocean features... -
Deployment of a Slocum glider to perform seasonal surveys of dissolved oxygen concentrations in the shallow coastal waters of New Jersey. This deployment is part of the New... -
The Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) program in Antarctica is a long term study focused on understanding how the marine system regulates the ecology of the West Antarctic... -
The Palmer Long-Term Ecological Research (LTER) study area is located to the west of the Antarctic Peninsula extending South and North of the Palmer Basin from onshore to... -
This project is conducting a seasonal baseline survey with a pair of gliders deployed in each season over two years with a full complement of available sensors to simultaneously... -
This project is using a JASCO OceanObserver hydrophone attached to a glider to monitor and understand the spatial and temporal distribution of spawning cod aggregations in the... -
This project is conducting a seasonal baseline survey with a pair of gliders deployed in each season over two years with a full complement of available sensors to simultaneously... -
Deployment of a Slocum glider to perform seasonal surveys of dissolved oxygen concentrations in the shallow coastal waters of New Jersey. This deployment is part of the New... -
Glider deployed on the RU-COOL Endurance Line to characterize seasonal physical and biological processes in the Mid-Atlantic Bight shelf waters. These deployments provided a... -
This project supports the deployment and real-time data delivery of autonomous underwater gliders in the coastal ocean in support of the MARACOOS project. This is a partnership... -
This project supports the deployment and real-time data delivery of autonomous underwater gliders in the coastal ocean to better resolve and understand essential regional ocean... -
Glider deployed on the RU-COOL Endurance Line to characterize seasonal physical and biological processes in the Mid-Atlantic Bight shelf waters. These deployments provided a... -
The Challenger Glider Mission is inspired by the first global scientific ocean survey conducted by the HMS Challenger from 1872-1876. The goals of the mission are to establish a... -
This project is conducting seasonal deployments to monitor physical conditions and investigate carbonate chemistry and ocean acidification in the Mid-Atlantic Bight. The glider... -
Glider deployed on the RU-COOL Endurance Line to characterize seasonal physical and biological processes in the Mid-Atlantic Bight shelf waters. These deployments provided a... -
The GLIDE project is an ocean monitoring program using autonomous underwater gliders to establish baseline oceanographic and ecological datasets to inform responsible... -
The Silbo Challenger mission is a partnership between industry and academia which will exercise a number of new Slocum glider features and long term deployment stratgies...