Slocum glider data were collected during deployment in the Central Basin of Lake Erie from 2021-10-07 through 2021-10-24. Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory... -
Spray glider profile data from Scripps Institution of Oceanography Instrument Development Group. (This deployment supported by NOAA.) -
Deployment of a Littoral Battlespace Sensing (LBS) glider owned and operated by the Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVOCEANO). This glider was deployed as a replacement for... -
The overarching goal of the California Underwater Glider Network is to sustain baseline observations of climate variability off the coast of California. The technical approach... -
The focus of this deployment is the study of Deep-Pelagic Nekton. -
Slocum glider data were collected during a southern Lake Michigan deployment from 2013-09-27 through 2013-10-28. The glider initially deployed from Muskegon, MI and crossed the... -
Underwater glider observations from along and near the Newport, Oregon, Hydrographic Line (44-deg 39.1' N) collected as part of a series of long-term studies of coastal... -
The Endurance Array is a multi-scaled array utilizing fixed and mobile assets to observe cross-shelf and along-shelf variability in the coastal upwelling region off the Oregon... -
The Pioneer Array is located on the continental shelf and slope south of Martha's Vineyard. The shelf-slope area is home to a highly productive ecosystem, and coincident with a... -
The overarching goal of the California Underwater Glider Network is to sustain baseline observations of climate variability off the coast of California. The technical approach... -
Spray glider profile data from Scripps Institution of Oceanography Instrument Development Group. (This deployment supported by NOAA.) -
UAF G1141 Glider deployment in the North Pacific Ocean (June 2024) -
This deployment is to investigate the shelf-slope exchange of the Northern Gulf of Mexico at two different locations. -
TAMU Hurricane Gliders 2023 picket line. -
The Long Term Ecological Research (LTER) program in Antarctica is a long term study focused on understanding how the marine system regulates the ecology of the West Antarctic... -
Deployment of a Littoral Battlespace Sensing (LBS) glider owned and operated by the Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVOCEANO). This glider was deployed in the Gulf of Mexico. LBS... -
Slocum glider dataset gathered by University of Minnesota Duluth - Large Lakes Observatory (LLO), funded by Great Lakes Observing System (GLOS). This dataset contains physical... -
Spray glider profile data from Scripps Institution of Oceanography Instrument Development Group. (This deployment supported by NOAA.) -
The overarching goal of this project is to collect high resolution transects across the Gulf Stream. Though the speed of the Gulf Stream greatly exceeds the speed of a glider,... -
The purpose of this deployment is to collect water column variables to understand biological and physical processes to related to the dynamics and potential for Red Tide blooms...