Deployment of a Littoral Battlespace Sensing (LBS) glider owned and operated by the Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVOCEANO). LBS gliders collect temperature and salinity profiles... -
CORC (Consortium on the Ocean's Role in Climate) has been making observations of the California Current systems with moorings since 2008. In support of these mooring... -
Deployment of a Littoral Battlespace Sensing (LBS) glider owned and operated by the Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVOCEANO). This glider was deployed Southwest of the Mississippi... -
The Challenger Glider Mission is a re-creation of the first global scientific ocean survey conducted by the HMS Challenger from 1872-1876. The goals of the mission are to... -
This glider mission is one of a series of MARACOOS surveys of shelf hydrography over the northern mid-Atlantic Bight. The glider will survey the shelf in a zig-zag pattern... -
The Pioneer Array is located on the continental shelf and slope south of Martha's Vineyard. The shelf-slope area is home to a highly productive ecosystem, and coincident with a... -
The Predictions of AcousticS with Smart Experimental Networks of GlidERS (PASSENGERS) project is a partnership between universities and the Naval Research Laboratory to improve... -
This glider deployment is part of continuing Investigation of Mid-Atlantic Cold Pool Dynamics: The Ocean Glider Component. The program goal is to measure the seasonal-varying... -
Glider deployed to perform cross canyon transects of Palmer Deep within the operating CODAR fields off of Anvers Island. This multi-platform field study will investigate the... -
Teledyne deployment to test glider -
The Pioneer Array is located on the continental shelf and slope south of Martha's Vineyard. The shelf-slope area is home to a highly productive ecosystem, and coincident with a... -
Slocum glider dataset gathered in the western arm of Lake Superior by UMD-LLO, funded by GLOS. This dataset contains physical oceanographic measurements of temperature,... -
Deployment of a Littoral Battlespace Sensing (LBS) glider owned and operated by the Naval Oceanographic Office (NAVOCEANO). This glider was deployed in United States Virgin... -
The Endurance Array is a multi-scaled array utilizing fixed and mobile assets to observe cross-shelf and along-shelf variability in the coastal upwelling region off the Oregon... -
Stony Brook University's ocean glider project at the School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences is part of a multi-disciplinary 10 year effort to monitor the physical, chemical... -
Spray glider profile data from Scripps Institution of Oceanography Instrument Development Group (supported by NOAA). -
Routine deployments to establish a baseline for oceanographic conditions on the West Florida Shelf to better understand, track, and predict Florida red-time blooms -
CORC (Consortium on the Ocean's Role in Climate) has been making observations of the California Current systems with moorings since 2008. In support of these mooring... -
This dataset is comprised of routine deployments of two underwater gliders off the coast of Central California, inside or near Monterey Bay. Missions typically last several... -
The Pioneer Array is located on the continental shelf and slope south of Martha's Vineyard. The shelf-slope area is home to a highly productive ecosystem, and coincident with a...